AP CS A Sprint Camp

The AP CS A exam is one of the premier computer science college-level exams administered by the College Board every year. The exam requires mastery of the Java programming language in order to get a 5. If your child passes this exam, then they may be able to skip courses when college comes around! Whether your child is already enrolled in a course in their school and needs more assistance, or is a newcomer to the world of computer science, our crash course on Java will show them everything they need to know to ace the exam.


Summer Camp



Skill Level


Become Familiar With the Java Programming Language

Become familiar with the core programming concepts of the Java programming language and train your logical thinking skills. Mastery of these skills will help you earn that 5 on the test!

Practice Makes Perfect

Master the Java programming language and review course topics, train on exam exercises, and strengthen the basic programming skills needed for the exam. Instructors will work with you to address your weak points.

A Deep Dive Into Object Oriented Programming

Master the core object-oriented knowledge points of Java, including classes, objects, inheritance, interfaces, polymorphism, and other exam topics.

AP CS A Exam Practice

Instructors will give you practice during class much like the questions and content from the official AP CS A exam. Master classwork and you can master the exam.

Ace Tough Concepts

The AP CS A Exam is a comprehensive examination on all things Java. In these classes, you will learn the ins and outs of the Java language so you can be more prepared for the questions that they will throw at you during the exam!

Learning Objectives

    Review the exam key points, train on exam exercises, and strengthen the core programming skills required for the exam.

  • Be familiar with Java programming fundamentals and develop computational thinking
  • Be able to design and implement basic programming algorithms independently
  • Be familiar with the AP CS exam structure and practice methods
  • Master the content required by the AP CS syllabus
  • Strengthen student's programming skills and adapt to the new AP exam requirements

Project Based

Our courses are designed to lead students to build their own startup projects.

Experienced Instructors

Passion for code. Unmatched expertise. Personality that brings interaction and encouragement always.

Aim at Competitions

Beyond learning programming, students are prepared to compete in science fairs, research, and entrepreneurship competitions.

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